DMCA - Linear Fox

Linear Fox Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Last updated: January 22, 2025

What is a DMCA Takedown?

A DMCA takedown occurs when copyrighted content is removed from a website at the request of the content's owner or copyright holder. This process is a well-established internet standard followed by website owners and internet service providers.

Your Rights as a Content Owner

If you own content, you have the right to issue a takedown notice against a website owner or an Online Service Provider if your property is found online without your permission.

The DMCA Takedown Process

  1. Content Owner Initiated Takedown:
    • The content owner (or their representative) sends a DMCA Takedown Notice to the website owner or their ISP/Hosting company.
    • The website owner removes the infringing content upon receiving the notice.
  2. ISP/Hosting Company Initiated Takedown:
    • If the website owner doesn't comply voluntarily, the ISP or Hosting company must remove the infringing content to comply with the Takedown notice.
  3. Extreme Cases:
    • In cases of continued non-compliance, an entire website may be taken offline by its ISP or Hosting company.

This process helps protect copyright owners while providing a standardized method for addressing potential copyright infringement on the internet.

Do you have any questions about this DMCA or you find a website that has cloned? Contact us at